Atelier Zest Attracts Attention With Its Personalized Designs in Nişantaşı

You can read the full interview we conducted with Moonlife magazine in November 2021 below.

First of all, can you tell us about yourself?

I am Melisa Erol, I was born in 1994 in Iran. After completing my high school life in Turkey, I graduated from Yıldız Technical University Chemical Engineering. While I was studying the department, I couldn’t ignore my trend towards fashion. Deciding to progress in this field, I turned my education life’s route to fashion. I still take care to attend trainings in this field. I have determined my goal as to blend my interest and talent with knowledge and to contribute to the sector on this path.

How did you transition into the fashion industry?

As I mentioned above, I was a chemical engineering student. But my dream has always been to be a designer, a fashion designer. In April 2019, I have definitely turned my way to the fashion industry. I brought my special designs to life. I thought every woman has the right to wear these designs and I started working for it. From now on, I will continue my work in this direction.

People spend most of their time at work. As long as a person does what he loves, he is happy. I also wanted to do what I love and decided to become a designer, take training in this lion and open my own workshop.

Can you tell us about your designs?

I am of the opinion that every woman’s power lies somewhere within herself. If they manage their goals in this direction, I am sure that they will achieve much greater things. In addition, I take care to create personalized designs that carry a piece of the wearer’s soul. My work still continues. I think there is a long way to go on this road.

Can you talk about the creation process?

First, before Istanbul, we promoted our own collection at the HEYA exhibition in Qatar. In this collection, we used gold thread (24 carats), Swarowski stone. Our journey, which started here, later moved to Turkey. We are now bringing our designs together with fashion lovers in our boutique store in Nişantaşı, the heart of fashion.

What are you inspired by?

In fact, a designer can be inspired by anything in his life. I also support this philosophy, a word I heard, a scene I watched, a city I visited… All of these can be an inspiration to me. So there is no limit to it.

Which fabrics do you use in your designs?

We use most fabrics. However, we are in favor of choosing fabrics that are suitable for recycling as much as possible.

Do you make personal custom designs? What is your target audience that you want to reach with your designs?

Of course, every woman should be able to wear her own special designs. I also love to design for this purpose. We appeal to an audience that has more niche and more personal preferences, says details are important to me, and adopts quality and timeless style.

Which country’s fashion do you like?

The region I follow most often is Paris. In this context, it seems more useful and worthy for them to prefer an elegant and simple style.

We witness that fashion is developing day by day. Can you evaluate the position of the fashion world?

I think people can find fashion and related information more easily now, thanks to social media and many different channels. As a result, they are able to capture more stylized looks than before and apply these styles to themselves.

So, as a woman entrepreneur, what advice would you give to women entrepreneurs?

I advise them to be brave and walk the path they believe in. I believe that women should take more roles both in fashion and in every field where an entrepreneurial attitude can be displayed and they should create this chance for the women around them. This is a team game and all the bumpy roads will be overcome by the ones you walk together on the road. In this sense, I believe that it will be more beneficial for women to walk in cooperation and harmony with other working women.

How can you be reached by those who want to buy your designs?

Our store in Nişantaşı, Our website On Instagram Morhipo There is a concept that we have carefully prepared for our customers in a friendly and home environment. We will be very happy to welcome you in our store.

Will you have different projects in the future?

Of course, as in Turkey, we want to open branches in other countries we want, to convey our sense of fashion to more people. At the same time, we have been working on furniture design for two years. And we aim to grow in these two different areas.

Ertan H.

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